Team Rules
- During swim season, swimming is your number one sport. With few exceptions, athletes will not be excused from a practice or meet at any time for any outside athletic activity or any activity that is taking away from practice or meet time.
- All pool practices are REQUIRED. For PAC Elite swimmers, you will need to attend a minimum of one practice per week for one full hour of swimming. PAC senior swimmers will need to commit to 2 hours with the team. You can swim for two hours or swim one hour and attend drylands on Thursday for an hour. All swimmers must attend all practices the week of County and the two weeks before the State meet.
- Weight room workouts are required of all non-PAC swimmers. Senior PAC swimmers can attend to fulfill one hour of their weekly team practice time. Everyone is encouraged to attend yoga and stretching on Friday mornings, including year-round swimmers.
- If a swimmer is going to miss a practice or drylands for any reason, his/her parent should email his/her coach with a valid excuse. If the swimmer simply does not show up at a practice, it will be counted as an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Once a swimmer accumulates 2 unexcused absences, he/she may be ineligible to swim in the upcoming meet. Continued unexcused absences may lead to dismissal from the team. Having to do homework, oversleeping, working and meetings for other extra-curricular events are not considered valid excuses. Showing up late to practice will count as unexcused.
- Swimmers need to arrive at the pool early enough to be in the water at the start time of practice.
- Swimmers need plenty of water to drink at practices and drylands. You need to be drinking water throughout the day and stay hydrated at all times. NO glass water bottles!
- Grades and conduct are of the utmost importance. Academics must come first, and time should be budgeted so that team commitment can be met. Every attempt must be made to schedule makeup work outside of practice time.
- All swimmers must wear the team suit to ALL meets or they will not be allowed to swim. There are three options available for girls and two for boys. Only team warm-ups, t-shirts, or shorts may be worn on the pool deck.
- All athletes are expected to ride the bus to and from the meets. Parents may sign their swimmers out to ride home with them but not before the end of hte meet. If there is a time you have to leave early, your parent must notify the coach ahead of time and then sign you out from the meet. Swimmers are required to ride the bus home from the County meet.
- Decisions about the meets are based on performance, commitment, and attitude and are solely at the discretion of the coaching staff. Keep in mind that absences from practice even if they are excused may be a factor in the coaches’ decisions on who swims an event.
- Varsity letters may be earned by reaching specific qualifying standards. Beyond these standards, each athlete must adhere to team rules and display exemplary conduct at practice and at meets in order to qualify.
- Swimmers are expected to be at all meets. Missing a meet without telling Coach means you will not be allowed to swim the next meet. If for any reason you are unexpectedly unable to attend a meet and you are unable to let the coaches know before the end of the school day (i.e. you wake up ill Saturday morning), you must email the coaches or contact your captains immediately and let them know (before the scheduled bus departure) or you will not be entered in the next meet.
- If you have a job, arrange your schedule so as to not miss any practice or meets. Please give all important dates to your employer well in advance.
- Swimmers may not attend conditioning for another school sport until swim season is over.
Situations may arise which are not covered by these rules. In these situations, coaches will make decisions and consult with parents if the situation warrants it. We will always make every attempt to be fair and consistent.
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