swim - week of November 11
Results from Saturday’s meet are attached. Even with the long bus ride, it was a great day for swimming! Thanks to everyone who donated to the nutrition table and volunteered as timers.
Here's our schedule this week:
Monday: No practice today. The pool has shortened hours in honor of Veteran’s Day.
Tuesday: evening practice from 7:00 to 9:00
Wednesday: evening practice from 7:00 to 9:00
Thursday: drylands in the weight room; 4:00 to 5:00
Friday: yoga/stretching in the weight room 7:00; team dinner at the Laughlins 123 Calloway Crossing Peachtree City, GA 30269 6-8 pm Breakfast for dinner! Please RSVP .
Saturday: We do not have a warm up time but it will be another early morning on the bus. (not as early as last week, hopefully) We will send the departure time as soon as we get it.
Other reminders:
Please sign up for nutrition table items on the website. www.starrsmillswimming.com
Swimmers should email their coach by Tuesday at 6:00pm to request events for Saturday. Email us immediately if you are not attending!