
swim - week of November 27

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a restful break. We are in the home stretch of the semester and have three more meets before Christmas vacation!

Here's what we have going this week:

Monday: morning practice at Kedron

Tuesday: practice at Kedron 7:00-9:00pm

Wednesday: conditioning in the weight room 4:00

Thursday: morning practice

Friday: NO yoga/stretching Tri-meet vs. Sandy Creek and Fayette County - Warm ups will be at 4:30 or 4:45. We will let you know later in the week.

Swimmers should email the coaches regarding their events for the NEXT TWO MEETS (Tri-meet on December 1 and the Chamblee meet on December 9) The meet files are due very close together so it will be easiest to submit your requests at the same time.

Anyone who will miss either meet should confirm that with your coach as well even if you let us know before!


Coaches Abrams, Huggins, and Pannell

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